Finding the cause of pain

Do you suffer from a recurrent injury that causes pain in your foot, ankle, lower limb, knee pain, hip, pelvis or lower back?

Perhaps you’ve had numerous couch based treatments which may sort you out for a while, but the pain soon returns?

Our focus on musculoskeletal conditions involves looking at your whole posture in order to see if the issue-causing forces that are causing you pain are related to the lower limbs causing stress further up your body line.

You might need us to make specially designed prescription orthotics that fit in your shoes to help adjust your posture, reduce rotation and torsion within your pelvis, support the feet and ankle and take pressure off your injury site.

Our aim is to find a long term solution to pain by finding the root cause of your pain.

Professional assessment for back, hip, pelvis and lower limb pain

We will assess function of the feet and lower limbs and use special, innovative equipment to assess and measure any difference in leg length. Perhaps you are suffering from the affect of a mis-aligned pelvis. Our assessment gives readings based on physical measurements, not guess work.

The way you walk may be causing compensation stresses on your body that cause you pain.

If you want a chat get in touch and we can book you in for an assessment.

Remember our aim is to treat the underlying cause of your problem and not just the effects it is having on your day to day quality of life.